Over the course of his 16+year career, Rajib Bahar has been a creative problem solver, finding innovative solutions to clients’ data questions, issues and challenges. He works primarily in Business Intelligence, and Data analytics practice with experience in BigData, DataScience, & Cloud computing environments. His career initially started in the unix world submitting perl and fortran jobs to super-computers back in 2000. This was before Big Data and distributed computing got Big. Later on, he moved on to .NET application development roles, and worked with variety of Database systems such as MS Sql Server, MySQL, PostgresSQL, DB2, & Oracle. Around 2008, he started working in Business Intelligence and/or Datawarehousing practice utilizing both Ralph Kimball and Inmon methodologies. Currently, he is working in Big Data platforms and connecting it with SQL Server 2016, R, Python, and building POCs on Data Science for BI projects. He also enjoys working with visualization tools such as Power BI, Tablue, and QlikView. His recent venture in the Data world includes a podcast on BigData, Data Science, DBMS, analytics, and cloud computing. The podcast is also syndicated across iTunes and YouTube. The link to podcast is http://www.soundcloud.com/data-podcast.
He has also served as a Board of Members of directors at KFAI radio, PASSMN, and various other non-profits. His expertise in data have led to savings at KFAI radio on expensive software license costs, reduced paper expense via online voting. Currently, he spends time contributing to the Data Visualization challenge the station faces.
Feel free to connect with Rajib @rajib2k5 or linkedin.com/in/rajibb